

These are just a few of the brave men and women that risked their lives to help a neighbor in need. Whether it was Kim Canada heading to South Texas; Randy McBrayer and Brent Bostic of No Cull Outfitters heading to aid rescue in Cleveland along with Justin Lovell and Frank Womack of Weches; Caleb Rhone, who regularly takes cattle driving to a whole new level; Clayton Smith, along with Alfredo Farjardo, Blake Gates and driven by Mike Marsh who headed out when called; Jerry “Bubba” Sullivan and Evan Peterson who selflessly went to help; or just a former local J. Anthony Wyers, who, while stranded at home took the time to help show the world what was happening; to Miguel Benavides who caught the NYPD caravan rolling through town, they all took time out of their lives, to help.  To spread the word. To change the world for the better. This doesn’t even begin to touch the effort made by those collecting items for victims. Those who choose to use their talents in other ways to support this massive effort.  Despite Harvey, God has indeed, Blessed Texas.

See the Thursday, Aug. 31 edition of the Messenger for some of these amazing stories.

Photos Courtesy of Texans

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